Sworn Translations

English - Latvian and Latvian - English

Sworn translations from english to latvian and from latvian to english by sworn translators of latvian accredited by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Embajada de Letonia en Madrid

Dirección: C. Alfonso XII 52-1
Población: Madrid
Código Postal: 28014
Teléfono: +34 91 369 13 62
Fax: +34 91 369 00 20
E-mail:  lespan@telefonica.net

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El equipo de Tradel Barcelona, especializado en traducciones técnicas
Official translators and interpreters accredited by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

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Format: PDF, DOC, TXT, JPG, PNG, GIF Max. 5 files of 2MB each

Or call us +34 93 415 58 56

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